At McIntyre Chiropractic & Acupuncture Centre in St. Louis, we understand that the human body is an interconnected system, and every choice and action affects its overall health. Food plays a special role in your whole-body wellness, because you need certain nutrients and forms of energy to stay in optimal health. Fortunately, we have an all-natural program to help promote the ideal nutritional balance. In addition to chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture for patients in pain, our chiropractor serving Webster Groves and Richmond Heights offers nutritional counseling and an exclusive nutrition program for patients who struggle with their weight or eating habits.
Weight Loss Help from Our Richmond Heights Chiropractor
Chiropractic care isn’t limited to people with back pain or whiplash. While pain management and injury treatment are common uses for chiropractic techniques, our approach actually encompasses the whole body, including the mind, spirit, and all symptoms and concerns you might have. Our nutrition and weight loss services are personalized for every patient, but they are a natural extension of our focus on holistic (whole-body) healing and improvement.
If you have back pain, mobility problems, or any health conditions related to your weight, it’s not enough to simply treat the symptoms. You need a solution that will improve your whole body from the inside out, removing toxins and restoring the balance of proper nutrients and energy flow. And if you simply want to lose weight but don’t have any weight-related symptoms yet, now is a great time to rebalance your nutritional priorities and find a healthy, natural path to weight management.
Try Our Richmond Heights Weight Loss Program
If you’ve tried local weight loss programs or gimmick diets without getting results, you probably know that you need a truly transformative solution. Our weight loss program isn’t actually about weight loss; it’s about promoting and restoring your overall health, through a time-tested purification process that removes harmful toxins and promotes whole-body nutrition.
Our Webster Groves chiropractor uses the Standard Process Purification Program, which helps to reduce or alleviate the symptoms of poor nutrition and inadequate exercise. Our 21-day program isn’t a fast or a cleanse; it’s a structured nutrition program that helps alleviate or eliminate the following symptoms of toxins:
- Sinus congestion
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Indigestion
- Low Libido
- Food Cravings
- Weight Gain
First & Only St. Louis Standard Process 21 Day Purification
Our 21-day purification program is actually the only one of its kind available in the city of St. Louis. If you struggle with unwanted weight gain, low energy levels, or any of the other symptoms we listed above, you might be a good candidate for this exclusive, all-natural program. During the course of the 21-day purification plan, you will use whole foods and light exercise to gradually cleanse your body of toxins and promote wellness and balance in your organs, joints, and the rest of your body.
Call Our St. Louis Chiropractor Today & Learn More!
Call 314-644-7776 to schedule a free consultation with our chiropractor today. We can’t wait to get started!